Sunday, December 28, 2008


I cannot tell you how many weeks I had this on repeat on my ipod. It was very pick-of-the-week for me, and just happened to last for more than a week haha. I look back very fondly on that time, it was a very light-hearted time because of this delicious electro-synth-pop song.

Oh yea, the lyrics are sad but still I find it a joyful song. Makes me wanna... run through the fields and play my fingers along the grass, or crops, or whatever.

I actually thought the song was Japanese at first, and then seeing the video pretty much confirmed it for me. So imagine my surprise when I read that it's by a one-man band from Norway, vocals by Heidrun Bjornsdottir.

Love those Scandinavian countries and their uncharted territory/music. But I may just love Japan more! Next post, the Japanese.

Pleasure - Out of Love

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